Rodney Parham: (501)661-0336
Kanis: (501)221-6009

The healing you Need.
The care you deserve.
At Innovative Spine Rehab, we believe there is a right way to treat patients. We start by giving you plenty of time to talk with our therapists and technicians. We listen to what you tell us about your pain, and actively respond with the best care for your particular situation. We create a positive, welcoming environment, where you feel motivated to heal from whatever brought you to our door. We take our time, and listen, and care, because it’s just how we would want to be treated.
Our mission is to help you relieve your pain and increase your strength and movement, so you can return to your full potential. We offer an excellent clinical experience, from our initial contact with you until your final visit. Furthermore, we take our “innovative” name seriously by using cutting-edge techniques to give you the opportunity for a better and more pain-free life.
Click here to find out more about the services offered here at Innovative Spine Rehab.

״Eighteen months post surgery for a discectomy, my L5-S1 disc re-herniated. I had pain, numbness and general discomfort. Darby and his team told me if I would follow the exercise protocol I could get better and likely avoid surgery. Years later, I have avoided surgery and am walking 3-4 miles a day five days a week! Thanks Innovative Spine Rehab! There is a special atmosphere of caring and healing here.״
Leslie H.
Post-surgical Treatment for Back Pain
Why Innovative Spine Rehab?

Laser Light Therapy promotes tissue repair and natural healing in and around bones, joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons.

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is a type of motorized spinal decompression that may help to relieve back pain. A gentle stretch of the spine helps take pressure off the spinal discs, allowing oxygen, water and nutrients into the discs so they may heal more quickly.

Med-X Therapy is designed to provide isolated and targeted strengthening for spinal muscles. Stronger muscles result in the lessening or elimination of spinal pain.

Myofascial Release Therapy is a technique applied by your physical therapist utilizing gentle, directional pressure to restricted fascia so pain is relieved and normal muscle function can resume. Facsia is the connective tissue that surrounds every bone, muscle, organ and nerve in the body.

Spinal Stabilization is an active form of exercise used in physical therapy. It is designed to strengthen muscles to support the spine and help prevent lower back pain.

Strain-Counterstrain is a manual therapy technique, meaning clinicians use only their hands for treatment of muscle and joint pain. It uses passive body positioning of hypertonic (spasmed) muscles and dysfunctional joints toward positions of comfort or tissue ease that compress or shorten the offending muscle.

The McKenzie method (or mechanical diagnosis and therapy, MDT) is a system of diagnosis and treatment for spinal and extremity musculoskeletal disorders. A feature of the method is emphasizing patient empowerment and self-treatment. It includes a set of guidelines for evaluating someone’s movement as well as exercises designed to improve spinal mobility and posture.

Dry Needling is a safe, minimally discomforting and often effective treatment for patients with certain musculoskeletal presentations. Dry needling is a treatment performed by skilled, trained physical therapists, certified in the procedure. A thin monofilament needle penetrates the skin and treats underlying muscular trigger points for the management of pain and movement impairments.
Effective Pain Management. Long-term Recovery.
The Heart Behind
Innovative Spine Rehab
Darby Brighton leads Innovative Spine Rehab with a clear passion. He and his team care deeply for their people, giving expert care and attention for them to have their best possible rehabilitation.